Year 2019


I was fairly consistent with my training, barring a few weeks where I did slack. Overall a great year and I am quite pleased with the way it went.

  • ~3618 km, 351 hours and 17 minutes on my feet, that's the distance between Kanyakumari to Srinagar!
  • 256 active days, an average of ~14 km of running the days I got out
  • 109 couch-potato days, ~9 such days/month
  • Training has been solo for most part, have had company of friends at times
  • 35 calories shy of ~200,000 calories spent, that's like ~1142 veggie burgers, ~3 burgers/day or ~90 liters of Single Malt Whisky
  • 70 Strength and Conditioning classes in 11 months, that's an hour of gym every ~5 day
  • Remained injury-free, touch wood
  • Weight hovered between 64.5 - 67.5 kg
  • Not a single km cycling
  • 13 races, 2.6x more races compared to 2018
  • Ran a couple of 10 km races after a gap of 3 years
  • Paced Vandana (colleague & friend) in a 5 km inter-company event
  • Half Marathon in Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad & New Delhi
  • 25 km at Kolkata
  • Couple of 30 km races just for fun
  • 3 hours timed run, my first ever running event in the evening, running for 3 hours in a 600m wet trail in darkness
  • Marathon in New Delhi and Berlin
  • Show up at least 45 minutes before a key race, warmed-up and be ready to go in your corral, Mumbai Half Marathon was a disaster, showing up late and having to dodge sea of runners wasn't fun
  • I can run 10 km and not arrive at the finish line half dead like I did on 15/5/2016
  • ~1 running event/race a month doesn't leave you injured
  • Races are meant to push oneself a little bit, it isn't going to kill you. Tried this at Airtel Delhi Half Marathon and Tata Steel Kolkata 25 km
  • Pacing oneself in a race is key, have been practicing negative splits in training and races
  • Lack of proper hill training showed in latter half of Airtel Hyderabad Half Marathon
  • Running in Trail makes road running feel easy, definitely ran more in trail this year than last year  
  • Immediate goals: Tata Mumbai Marathon in 3 weeks
  • Show up consistently and work hard
  • Get to ideal racing weight, whatever that is 
  • Try and improve Gym attendance for Strength and Conditioning classes
  • 'Race' in a few Half Marathon events, pick some new locations and races to do
  • Focus on Hill training
  • Identify my next key marathon and do my best
  • Try and get some time to cycle
My sincere gratitude to Shailja Singh who has been instrumental in shaping me as a half-decent runner. It has been great hanging out and running with her in GKVK past 2 years.


  1. As always, consistent and focused. Keep it up and wishing you many more years of injury free running and chasing and beating personal records. Love the way you are committed to your passion of running.

  2. Good summary Arun. All the best for 2020 too. Comparing with whisky? 🙄 Compare with orange juice pa. 😛

  3. Awesome stats and outstanding achievement. Wishing you the best for 2020


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