Year 2023

2023 An year of base miles training which would help 2024 and beyond. In my 2022 year-end blog here , I'd set some goals. I also did a checkpoint mid year here . The new year is here and it's about time to look at how 2023 wrapped up. 2745 km was the target distance I wanted to hit, which is btw 75% of my 2020 yearly mileage. Closed the year with 2,919.7 km (~79.77%). 243.5 km/month, 56.1 km/week. Very pleased with the outcome Strength training always took backseat in my workouts, I made a conscious attempt to correct that this year, very happy on how the year paned out. My appearance at races/event continued to be limited in 2023 which I don't intend to change in 2024. I have decided to participate in 2-3 events in any calendar year, however train all through the year. Races I participated this year, London Marathon, you can read about that here and another half marathon at NDA in Pune which I have blogged here Body weight continued to be around ~70 kg/155 lb Drinking s...