TM - Weekly Buildup

Week 12, updated Sunday, 25-Feb-2024, 0945

1000.98 km (crossed 1000 km in 12 weeks), average of 83.41 km/week. 2 days of strength training with half the usual reps. Office was hectic as expected, managed to complete work well within the deadline. Did one 10 km at steady marathon pace and 10 km easy during the week. I moved the weekend 8 miles to Friday as I wanted to run the Epsilon 5 km race during the weekend. Epsilon 5 km race was fun, managed to run a negative split 5 km which would be a confidence booster for coming Sunday. It was a pleasure to see a lot of people from my team getting up early in the morning, lacing up and running or running-walking the 5 km. It was an electric Saturday morning.

  • Distance: 40.54 km
  • Exercise duration: 3:52:38
  • Weight: 71.2 kg

Week 11, updated Sunday, 17-Feb-2024, 1048

960.44 km in this training block thus far, average of 87.31 km/week. Another 2 weeks of taper to go before the race. Managed 2 days of strength training during the week - will reduce the sets by half in the coming week. A total of 35 miles came with 5 days of running during the week, 12 reps of 400m and one 10 km run at marathon pace were the only 2 runs that were fast, rest were easy miles including the 12 miles during the weekend. Did the weekend long run & weekday tempo in Nike Air Pegasus Zoom 39, have run 80 odd km so far which in my opinion is decent enough distance to run the marathon in these new shoes. I am anticipating the coming week to be busy in the office, the less mileage planned would therefore be a blessing.

  • Distance: 56.99 km
  • Exercise duration: 5:30:27
  • Weight: 71.2 kg

Week 10, updated Sunday, 11-Feb-24, 2200

903.45 km in this training block, average of 90.34 km/week. Worked 4 days from the office this week, with lot of face-to-face meetings. Thankfully, it's officially the first week of the three weeks of taper I do for marathons, so not a lot of miles like Week 9 or earlier. 2 sets of 2 miles steady and 1 mile with 120 seconds and 60 seconds recovery thrown in - which went per plan and rest were easy miles with one day of 5 miles at marathon pace. The 20 miles during the weekend was race simulation of sorts, ran with the gear I would likely run including the Nike Air Pegasus Zoom 39 and the gels I intend to use during the race, took one gel every 7 km and salt tablet at 21 & 28 km, the average pace was as per plan - pretty satisfied with the splits and the recovery after the long run. Managed to get in 2 days of strength training early in the week. 2 more weeks of taper to go!

  • Distance: 65.33 km
  • Exercise duration: 6:08:54
  • Weight: 71.0 kg

Week 9, updated Monday, 5-Feb-24, 0548

838.12 km so far in this training block, average of 93.12 km/week. In the coming weeks building up to the race the mileage and frequency of running both would drop. This was perhaps the last high mileage week of this training block. Ticked off two strength training sessions early in the week. 5 sets of 2 km and 1 km repeats at marathon pace and marathon pace+30 seconds respectively early in the week went as per plan, so did 20 sets of 2 minute efforts mid week. Rest day got realigned to Fri again as I had a short run on Thu, so managed to get it out of the way before heading to work. Saturday long run, 23 miles went okay, the plan was more like time on the feet than hit any pace target, managed to do a negative split by running the last ~7 miles faster. I woke up with a bad headache on Sunday decided to skip the run, just rest and recover and spend time watching the telly. This week is a busy week at work with visitors from the US as a result lot of face-to-face meetings and going to the week pretty much all week.

  • Distance: 96.08 km
  • Exercise duration: 9:44:51
  • Weight: 70.9 kg

Week 8, updated Tuesday, 30-Jan-24, 1916

The week featured my favorite mile and 500m repeats and surprisingly both went as per plan, I was able to hit the paces I wanted to for both. There were some easy runs thrown in on other days which were uneventful also. Starting this week, I also aligned my 'rest' day to Thu from Fri and moved the long run out to Sun from Sat. Saturday (9 miler) and Sunday (22 miler) weren't exactly a struggle but I wasn't feeling confident if I would actually complete the distances, but then managed to shuffle my way in. Ticked off two strength training sessions early in the week. Weekend long runs start to taper at the end of next week, I do not know if I am looking forward to it, I like running more miles. Milestone: During last week I also went past 20,000 km on Garmin where I have been tracking my runs since 2-Dec-2014. Feb this year would also mark my 10 years of recreational running!

  • Distance: 95.23 km
  • Exercise duration: 10:08:13
  • Weight: 71.6 kg

Week 7, updated Monday 22-Jan-24, 1942

Another big mileage week. One speed work (400m repeats) during the week went better than plan. Work was somewhat okay, not light by any means but not as crazy as the previous week though. Friday evening call set me a bit tentative for the 24 miler long run on Saturday, managed a easy and very chatty run with about 24/25 km w/ Santanu and then Devi Prashant Shetty. Customary 2 sessions of strength training early in the week. Met with a few old McAfee colleagues at a wedding on Sunday, it was pretty nostalgic and great to catch-up with a few who I had not met in many moons, the drive to JP Nagar cutting across city traffic was worth it.

  • Distance: 108.32 km
  • Exercise duration: 11:15:32
  • Weight: 71.2 kg

Week 6, updated Monday, 15-Jan-24, 1255

It was a pretty busy past week. Juggling all the balls in the air was tough (Mantra - One day at a time), Qtrly planning, Leadership training, making time to meet a friend for Lunch during a working day, turning in my application for Japan visa and a quick weekend trip to Madras. Managed to get two strength training workouts early in the week. Have been managing to average 2 days of strength training every week in this training block so far. Keeping it consciously at two days per week given the mileage is ramping up week over week. Mile & 400m repeats went as per plan. The long run was mostly time on the feet didn't have a pace goal for the long run, had Santanu for company for 20 odd km of the 36 km I ran and it went pretty decent to be honest. Did a 5 miler in Madras on Sunday morning, the air felt polluted perhaps due to Bhogi festival, kept in nice and easy and just shuffled my way home to close the week with another 100+ km.

  • Distance: 101.6 km
  • Exercise duration: 10:40:32
  • Weight: 71 kg

Week 5, updated Sunday, 7-Jan-24, 1235

Obligatory CBD run on Jan 1 w/ friends. The only time I go to CBD to run :). Resumed work on Jan 2 and went in 2 days during the week. Work is steadily picking up pace with the new quarter just kicked in. Managed to run 6 days and clocked 100+ km first time in ages. No intervals, but did do 2 steady runs and surprisingly both of the them went well. Had Vinay for company for the 18 miles weekend run, decent negative splits with great company and chatter, strong finish. I had zero expectation from the 10 miler Sunday after the Sat 18 miles, but surprisingly able to hit the desired pace. The next week is here, might have to make a trip to Madras, plus part 2 of Qtrly planning all evening next week.

  • Distance: 107.2 km
  • Exercise duration: 10:43:21
  • Weight: 70.5 kg

Week 4, updated Sunday, 31-Dec-23, 0949

Good week. I was on time off from work and mostly chilling at home, watching TV and relaxing. Managed 6 days of running, 98 km total. 25.68 km part of speed work (Intervals & Tempo). ~73% easy miles. Weekend long run exceeded my expectations, strong finish with great company of Vinay and Prasad. I didn't have a lot of expectations from the Fartlek run on Sunday right on the back of the Saturday long run, but was able to hold good pace and felt good. Next week, I anticipate work picking up pace, Rashmi is travelling as well. It would be interesting to see how I cope with workouts, work and managing the house whilst she is away ;).

  • Distance: 98.01 km
  • Exercise duration: 9:55:33
  • Weight: 71.2 kg

Week 3, updated Sunday, 24-Dec-23, 0930

Managed 6 days of running, 78.3 km total. 20.8 km part of speed work (Intervals & Tempo). ~73% easy miles. As last week, upfront managed two strength training sessions. Ran 14 miles long run solo, kept it a lot slower than last weekend with a hydration break at the 12 km mark. 6 miles progressive run was great, it was really cold and the run went well. Office was a lot lighter compared to the last 2-3 weeks. I have taken the next week off, will be chilling and relaxing at home and catching up on OTT.

  • Distance: 78.3 km
  • Exercise duration: 9:11:39
  • Weight: 71.3 kg

Week 2, updated Sunday, 17-Dec-23, 1005

Managed 6 days of running, 86.06 km total. 26 km of those were part of speed work (Intervals & Tempo), ~70% easy miles. Went to office 4 days during the week and also had Qtrly planning for 3h during the evening/night, pretty hectic week work-wise. Upfront early in the week, managed two strength training sessions. 15 miles long run was supposed to be easy, but bumped into Suresh and later Vinay as a result ended up running the miles a lot faster than I would have liked. Weather on Sunday was pretty awesome for the 8 miles Tempo, ended up running 10 seconds/km faster than I planned to. Hoping the last 2 weeks to be quiet, let's see what unfolds.

  • Distance: 86.06 km
  • Exercise duration: 9:45:26
  • Weight: 71.2 kg  

Week 1, updated Sunday, 10-Dec-23, 0945

Managed 5 days of running, 67.24 km total. 10.08 km of those were part of speed work (Interval & Fartlek run). ~85% easy miles. Mon through Wed, I was in Deoghar, Jharkhand, was pretty tired with all the travel, flight reschedules and such, couldn't manage any strength workout during the week. Did my 14 miles long run at GKVK, my usual combo of road and trail running. I'm anticipating the coming week to be busy at work with Qrtly planning calls all evenings until 2230. 

  • Distance: 67.24 km
  • Exercise duration: 7:17:59
  • Weight: 70.2 kg


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