BM - Weekly Buildup
Week 7, updated Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025, 1231
Ran 106.71 km, another high mileage week in the books. I ran a total of ~15 km at steady pace, another 4.8 km (~4.5%) comprising of 400m repeats and rest of the distance all easy runs. I moved my Saturday long run (longest long-run in the training block, 24 miles) this week to Friday as I had to take a morning flight. I tried to run with the waistband that holds the mobile, gels and other items in prep for the upcoming race in Apr, but had issues with it and eventually took it out at 22 km. In the coming weeks, I need to figure out how and where to hold the gels and whether to run the race with the mobile or not. Also, anticipating all the disruptions during the week, I managed to get 3 strength training workouts upfront in the week which was good. Sunday, I was in Delhi and given I was constrained for time, I ran 4 instead of 5 miles, but overall, I was pretty happy the way the week panned out, I was able to complete all the planned workouts barring running a mile less on Sunday.
- Distance: 106.71 km
- Exercise duration: Running: 10:41:48, Strength training: 1:29:35
- Weight: 69.7 kg (weighed-in on Mar 7)
- 7 weeks mileage: 629.64 km (89.94 km/week)
Week 6, updated Saturday, 1-Mar-2025, 1932
Wrapped up another high mileage week, ran 101.78 km with 11.24 km (~11%) comprising of mile repeats and 400m repeats, both those are my favourite interval distances. I was able to hold consistent and desired paces. This week featured a mid-week half marathon to keep me busy and on my feet which went nice and easy including other easy runs during the week. I ran my long run (36 km) on Saturday, the start was a bit slow and sluggish for the first 12.5 km when I returned to the car for hydration and to eat some dates. Post this hydration break, I picked up pace to complete the distance strong with decent negative splits. Managed to get 3 strength training workout upfront in the week just like last few weeks. Work is starting to settle a bit with all the chaos from the past week. Next week is looking tricky and busy with visitors from the US at work and travel to Delhi on Saturday, it would be interesting to see how the next week unfolds.
- Distance: 101.78 km
- Exercise duration: Running: 10:18:38, Strength training: 1:29:27
- Weight: 69.7 kg
- 6 weeks mileage: 522.93 km (87.15 km/week)
Week 5, updated Monday, 24-Feb-2025, 1916
Ran 6 days and clocked 103.41 km for the week. 8 km (~7%) came from 2 km repeats which were progressive and sharp, I was pleased with the pace I was able to hold. I had a 10-miler on Saturday on tired legs, i.e. after running 30 km on Saturday. I moved that workout to Friday and ran/paced Vinay for his last long run before his Tokyo Marathon. The plan was to hold 5:28-5:30/km, both of us ran pretty decent to clock an average pace of 5:17/km. Managed to get 3 strength training workouts upfront in the week. 30 km run on Saturday was uneventful, it was a solo effort with a mix of road and trail. The week was chaotic and pretty stressful work-wise to say the least - glad the week is over.
- Distance: 103.41 km
- Exercise duration: Running: 10:34:34, Strength training: 1:26:25
- Weight: 68.9 kg
- 5 weeks mileage: 421.15 km
Week 4, updated Sunday, 16-Feb-2025, 1915
Started and ended the week with a 10 miler on either side. Didn't run on Tuesday as I had a morning flight back from Pune. I managed to get 3 strength workouts upfront in the week which was great. 6 km were part of the speed work on Wed, I ran 3 reps of 1 mi and 400m with 60 seconds and 180 seconds rest respectively. I ran a pretty decent 8 mile tempo on Thu. I adjusted my schedule to run my weekend long run on Friday to give company to Vinay who was looking at running his 16 miles long run anywhere in the pace of 8:45-9:00/mi, it was great to average 8:48/mi or 5:28/km for the distance. Total mileage of 83 km, of those 6 km, ~7% were part of speed work. The weather in Bengaluru is starting to get warmer.
- Distance: 83.08 km
- Exercise duration: Running: 8:17:36, Strength training: 1:27:28
- Weight: 69 kg
Week 3, updated Sunday, 9-Feb-2025, 1810
10.8 km out of 78.9 km ~13.5% were fast (1 km and 400m repeats were pretty consistent, in fact, I have been quite pleased on how those went), rest of the distance were easy miles. I ran all week in Pune, did 6 miles progressive run on Sunday in Ahmednagar though, it was delightful to hold sub 5:15/km pace and progressively get faster. Managed to do 3 strength training sessions upfront in the week albeit using lesser weight. Weather in Pune has been great during morning time, but its pretty dusty compared to Bengaluru. 14 miles long run on Sunday felt very tiring and weird in the first 7 miles (until the U turn point), the humidity I thought was a bit higher - I was able to run the back stretch pretty strong though. I am glad the week is over, have a redeye back to Bengaluru on Tue - have to readjust my schedule next week to accommodate all planned runs and strength workouts.
- Distance: 78.95 km
- Exercise duration: Running 7:55:26, Strength training: 1:24:58
- Weight: 69.1 kg
Week 2, updated Sunday, 2-Feb-2025, 1035
6 days of running totaling about 85.9 km, 13.8 km of those were comparatively fast (intervals) which is about ~16%, rest were all easy miles. 3k repeats and 800m were both consistent pace. Took a redeye Friday to Pune, within 60 minutes of reaching home, I banged my left leg really hard against the bed, the knee was/is hurting a wee bit, but thankfully isn’t coming in the way of my workouts. The Saturday long run, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to complete, but the run was pretty okay with negative splits, out from home to Kirkee to University and back. I did a steady pace 8 miles another out and back run. The weather is Pune is nice and pleasant.
- Distance: 85.9 km
- Exercise duration: Running: 8:48:48, Strength training: 1:28:36
- Weight: 68.3 kg
Week 1, updated Sunday, 26-Jan-2025, 0846
First week of training. 5 days of running totaling about 70 km, 9.9 km of those were relatively fast (intervals) which is about ~14%, rest were all easy miles. Mile repeats were consistent pace, Fartlek however pace-wise was all over, I am hoping in the coming weeks I'll get consistent pace across reps. Did 3 sessions of strength training sessions upfront in the week. Overall a decent first week.
- Distance: 69.81 km
- Exercise duration: Running: 7:17:33, Strength training: 1:33:44
- Weight: 68.8 kg
Week 0, updated Sunday, 19-Jan-2025, 0826
Training block starts coming Monday, having butterflies in my stomach! How much ever you run week over week, there is always this little anxiety that everything during training and the running on the race day holds up. We'll see.
My 12-weeks building up to this training block has been fun, comprising of easy/aerobic miles, averaging about ~70 km/week with about ~80 km/week over the last 4 weeks and 70 odd minutes/week of strength training, which is kind of par. I ran a 50 km Ultra marathon in Jaisalmer mid Dec, you are read about that here. I have some speed work starting next week, totally looking forward to speed work in many moons.
Since 28-Oct-24,
- Distance: 845.52 km, avg ~70.42 km/week
- Exercise duration (incl. Strength training): 110:39:55, avg: 1:19:00/day
- Weight: 68.1 kg - 69.1 kg
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