First Half 2023

In my 2022 wrap-up blog here, I had some thoughts on what I would like to do this year. A mid-year check-in to see where I stand.

Consistency: Check 
Active days: 115 out of 181 days (~63%), averaged 227 km/month
Mostly regular, barring one week when we were on holiday in the North East (I should make time to blog about that memorable trip some day) and again between Jun 15-26 as rest time to recover from the impact 4th toe on the left foot bore after a freak gym accident, stupid enough a 15 lb. dumbbell fell on my foot. The damn foot still hurts!

Training Volume: Check
75% of 2020 volume, i.e. 2,745 km for 2023
Right now, coincidentally at 1,362.82 km (~49.65%), 1,382.18 km left for back half. Even-stevens!
Have been chipping away without even tracking the target. I'd say, it has nicely fallen in place

Strength Training: Check
Twice a week is the target
38 sessions in 26 weeks. That's 3 sessions in 2 weeks against a target of 4 sessions in 2 weeks
This volume is nothing great by any means, but I am happy about it purely because I have historically not focused as much as I should strength training. I gave myself a tick here because it's better than nothing 

Train for TCS London Marathon: Check
The 13 weeks training block and everything about this race is here

Qualify and run Malnad Ultra 50 km end of Nov w/ Sriram to ring his 50th birthday: Yes and No.
Yes for Qualify. London Marathon timing helps me comfortably qualify for Malnad Ultra. Totally looking forward to the event end of November for many reasons, Sriram's 50th, my debut Trail Ultramarathon, debut race in hills and on trails. 
No - Event is still a few months away. There is work to be done. I need to create a training block, get as much hill and trail runs that's possible and have fun. Hence a Yes and No for this one

Got my bike dusted off and serviced in Jun. Started riding a bit, mostly as cross-training. The idea is to try and ride once or twice a week back half of the year

Note to self: Show up, keep chipping away, train solo, discover my body more and get stronger. End of the year reflect and see if I checked all the boxes!


  1. What i like in your blogs, is your preference of 'Brevity' in saying what you have to say. Brevity and choice of strong words makes the reading of your blog interesting.


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